About NokyNok

NokyNok app is a unique application where you can challenge your friends from all over the world. It is the first app of its kind. You can also view other user’s videos and challenges. The most important and challenging in NK is the voting system, we added for you, where users can support people they love against other opponents. So do you have the dare to challenge other people? Are you one of those people who have a beautiful and magical talent and want to show and challenge other people from all around the world? Are you strong enough to challenge other people? Do you trust yourself and your abilities to show up and win the challenge? If you are a dancer, influencer, blogger, fashionable etc Download NK and start to challenge people you know and people you didn’t even met in your life. Make some new friends, meet new people, introduce yourself to the world and cheer up because now you can download NK for free. Users can download NK for free. Users can create a free account and their information is secured and not shared unless they want to share. Users can like and comment on posts. Users can chat with each others.

You have 5 pages

The home: you can find random videos and challenges for you to view.
The following: you can view videos of people you are following.
Add challenge: you can add your new video and set up your new challenge.
Messages: you can check your chat messages in this page.
Profile: you can view your profile and edit some changes you want.

How to set a challenge?

• Press the add challenge.
• Add your video/Image from the gallery or make a new video/Image.
• Tag the person you want to challenge.
• Set the time of the challenge.
• Upload challenge.


Users get notifications if there is someone wants to challenge them.
Users get notifications when they receive a message.
Users get notifications of a comment and a like done on their post.
Users get notification of their won or lost.


People will vote for you or your opponent and one of you will win the challenge.
In your profile there is a recorder of your won and lost so you can view how many times you won or lost.
You can find your older posts in the gallery section and people you follow.
We will show in your profile, people who are following you which we call fans.